Racionais MC's ├й um grupo brasileiro de rap, fundado em 1988, ├й formado por Mano Brown, Edi Rock e Ice Blue e o DJ KL Jay. ├Й o maior grupo de Rap do Brasil e est├б entre as bandas mais influentes do pa├нs.
Ou├зa as melhores m├║sicas de hip hop, como: "A Vida ├Й Desafio", "Vida Loka", "Vida Loka Pt. 2", "Jesus Chorou", "Negro Drama", "Da Ponte Pra C├б", "Estilo Cachorro", "Cap├нtulo 4, Vers├нculo 3", "Di├бrio De Um Detento" e "Eu Sou 157" e "Mil Faces de um Homem Leal (Marighella)".
Outros artistas, como: "Sabotage", "Hungria Hip Hop", "Tribo da Periferia", "Ao Cubo", "Fac├з├гo Central", "RZO", "Tha├нde", "509-E", "Planet Hemp", "Marcelo D2", "Apocalipse 16", "Pavilh├гo 9", "Cone Crew Diretoria", "Haikaiss" e muito mais do rap brasileiro.
Racionais MC's is a Brazilian rap group, founded in 1988, formed by Mano Brown, Edi Rock and Ice Blue and DJ KL Jay. It is the largest rap group in Brazil and is among the most influential bands in the country.
Listen to the best hip hop songs, such as: "A Vida ├Й Desafio", "Vida Loka", "Vida Loka Pt. 2", "Jesus Chorou", "Negro Drama", "Da Ponte Pra C├б", "Dog Style "," Chapter 4, Verse 3 "," Diary of a Prisoner "and" I am 157 "and" Thousand Faces of a Loyal Man (Marighella) ".
Other artists, such as: "Sabotage", "Hungary Hip Hop", "Tribe of Periphery", "Ao Cubo", "Central Faction", "RZO", "Tha├нde", "509-E", "Planet Hemp", "Marcelo D2", "Apocalipse 16", "Pavilh├гo 9", "Cone Crew Directors", "Haikaiss" and much more of Brazilian rap.